King-Chávez-Parks visiting professor program

The Graduate School is pleased to offer matching funds to schools, colleges, departments, or programs on campus who would like to invite a visiting professor to campus as part of the Martin Luther King, Jr.-César Chávez-Rosa Parks Visiting Professors program. KCP visiting professors are expected to guest lecture in courses and/or give a public presentation to the campus and community and must provide mentorship to specific populations on campus. Funds can be requested to help cover direct costs for speakers only.

This program was created by the Michigan State Legislature in 1986 as part of the larger KCP Initiative, designed to stem the downward spiral of college graduation rates for underrepresented students in postsecondary education. The purpose of the KCP-VP Program is to increase the number of instructors in the classroom to provide role models for academically or economically disadvantaged students. Preference may not be given to visiting faculty on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, or national origin.

We encourage applications to bring instructors who would otherwise not be adequately represented in the faculty. Visiting professors will be selected for their ability to contribute to a unique perspective that lends itself to helping our students become active participants in a knowledge-based global economy.

The application will be open each year until funds are exhausted. To request funds, follow the instructions below. Submit your application to Associate Dean Jeff Pruchnic in the Graduate School at Please note that proposals must be received at least two months in advance of the event, as matching funds must receive pre-approval by the State of Michigan.

Application elements

Please number each element as indicated below in your application.

  1. Instructor. Provide the name of the visiting professor you would like to invite, and a brief description of their expertise here. Please also attach a CV or biosketch.
  2. Date/s of visit.
  3. Description of visiting professor activities.
  4. Description of target student group. What types of students will this visit engage? Approximately how many students do you expect to reach? To justify the use of KCP-VP funds, you must describe how academic and economically disadvantaged students will be included in the target audience.
  5. How will the event be publicized? Provide specific information about how the events will be promoted and publicized to academic and economically disadvantaged students.
  6. Budget. Provide a detailed budget for the visit using the line items listed below. Confirm the total cost of the visit and the program match. All funding requires a match from the requesting program.

Visiting professor salary or honorarium
Transportation for visiting professor
Lodging for visiting professor
Meals for visiting professor
Any other special accommodations necessary for the visiting professor

Program match
Total requested from Graduate School

Note that only direct expenses for the visiting professor can be covered through this program. The following types of expenses are not allowable, nor can they be used as the program match: Advertising or course/event materials, catering or meals for course/event participants or staff, rent, utilities, equipment, event staffing, etc.