
Application fee

The application fee has been waived for the winter 2025, spring/summer 2025 and fall 2025 terms.

Why Wayne State

Ready for the kind of real-life experience that's only possible at a top-ranked research university? A vibrant community of scholars stands ready to help you soar. Choose your specific applicant or student type to learn more.

College of Nursing Applicants

Beginning Fall 2024, applicants who are interested in receiving a graduate degree in Nursing from Michigan’s premier research institution, please apply through the AACN-operated universal application system NursingCAS. Applicants are not required to submit a separate WSU application. For Winter 2024 MSN and Graduate Certificate programs, please use the graduate school domestic and international links below. 

College of Nursing application

Domestic applicants 

Located in the heart of Detroit, WSU is a big city with a small Midwestern feel. A graduate education in Detroit affords students unparalleled  opportunities to collaborate with global partners, apply knowledge close to home and witness the impact of their research firsthand.

Domestic requirements

International applicants 

More than 27,000 students from 48 states and 77 countries attend Wayne State University. If you're ready to join them, we're here to help. 

International requirements

Graduate non-degree and guest applications

For those looking to dual-enroll, participate in MIGS, or complete a guest application. 

Non-degree and guest applications

Admitted students

So, you've been accepted. Congratulations! What's next?

Next steps

Current students

Are you a current student looking to change your program or add a second program? You may not need to complete a new application. Contact Dr. Jeff Pruchnic, associate dean of student success, at

Accelerated master's programs

Are you currently an undergrad Warrior? The Accelerated GRADuate Enrollment and Senior Rule programs enable qualified juniors and seniors to take graduate credits in addition to undergraduate degree requirements.

Accelerated programs