Professional development

The WSU Graduate School hosts a wide variety of events that consult experts to share their insights and prompt discussions on trends and issues within graduate education and beyond. Prospects, students, and staff will gain insight in how to advance their careers, achieve work-life balance, and develop lasting professional relationships. 

Past events

Smiling people talking

How to Network and "Work the Room"

The ability to meet people and build relationships is a critical skill to develop throughout your career. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be an extrovert to succeed.

Career development
Interpersonal relationships
House-shaped keychain

Life After Graduate School: Relocation

Learn how to prepare for relocation after graduate school.

Career development
Woman covering her eyes with her hands

Stress management

Learn how to optimize your academic performance without sacrificing your mental health.

Health and wellness
A hand holding a phone with stock price charts on it market

Stock Market 101

Former Wall Street investor Josh Kaufman will provide an overview of the stock market and how to make an informed decision in investing your hard-earned money.

Financial literacy
Career development

How to Negotiate Your Salary

Whether you're starting a new job or asking for a raise, learn tips and tricks on how to negotiate your salary.

Career development
Financial literacy
A drawing of a man standing in between two boxing gloves

Resolving conflicts with peers

Collaboration is a part of everyday life, and in the marketplace of ideas, conflicts are bound to arise. When they do, it is critical that both sides come to a resolution so they can continue their work. In this session, Christine Jackson, professor and chair in the Mike Ilitch School of Business Department of Management will share how to find common ground in areas of fundamental disagreement. These best practices lead to quick resolutions where all parties can move forward together.

Interpersonal relationships
Career development
Wayne State University

How to Network

The ability to meet people and build relationships is a critical skill to develop throughout your career. And contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be an extrovert to succeed. In this interactive session, Nick Mattar, the Graduate School’s associate director of marketing, will lead a full networking simulation. You’ll learn best practices for meeting new people, how to start conversations with strangers, and the networking mindset for success.  

Snacks and soft drinks will be provided. Please be comfortable and come prepared to meet new people!

Career development
Interpersonal relationships
graphic of an African American male student racing up a pile of books with a light bulb at the top

Affirmative Action and Its Impact on Graduate Admissions

To kick off the Wayne State University Graduate School’s 2023-24 Professional Development Series, Dean Amanda Bryant-Friedrich will share her perspective on this monumental ruling, and how it could change the admissions process for prospective graduate students.

Career development
Graduate School Dean Amanda Bryant-Friedrich and a hand icon waving hello

Meet the Dean of the Graduate School

Start off your fall semester with one of the Graduate School’s most popular events! Students will meet Graduate School Dean Amanda Bryant-Friedrich, get a free t-shirt, and enjoy complimentary food and soft drinks at Tony V's Tavern in Midtown.

Career development
Interpersonal relationships
woman sitting cross legged on top of a bed with a cup of tea in her hands and a green leafy plant in the background

Stress management: Achieving life balance

Maintaining a clear mind and balancing life, school, and work is important during the end of term as finals approach. Learn simple tricks and tips to keep a steady life balance and finish the semester strong.

Health and wellness
Career development
Graduate School Dean Amanda Bryant-Friedrich

Meet the Graduate School Dean

Meet Dean Amanda Bryant-Friedrich, network with students across discipline, and get your questions answered about all things graduate school at Tony V's in Midtown.

Career development
Interpersonal relationships
A photo of two women sitting in chairs and talking

CANCELLED: Mentorship planning 101

A well-structured training plan can dramatically increase the effectiveness of mentoring activities. Learn how to plan out their meetings with mentees and set the proper goals for both sides of the mentor-mentee relationship.

Career development
Interpersonal relationships
man with his head in his hands while another man points his finger at him

Finding common ground in disagreements

Learn how to find common ground in areas of fundamental disagreement - and how to quickly move forward together.

Interpersonal relationships
Health and wellness

Graduate Research Symposium

Daily until March, 8th 2023

The annual Graduate Research Symposium returns March 6-8 to showcase the breadth of research conducted at Wayne State University and neighbor institutions.

Research best practices
Career development
man speaking in front of poster depicting scientific research

Presenting research to the public

With the Graduate Research Symposium quickly approaching, graduate student researchers must know how to condense years of research into a succinct presentation. Associate Professor of Psychology Emily Grekin will share best practices for presenting research in 10 minutes or less.

Research best practices
Career development
two people on laptops, graphs and data points overlayed in the foreground

Practical applications of statistics

This special half-day event will focus on the practical application of statistics, applicable to all students and faculty across disciplines.

Career development
Research best practices
man talking and gesturing at a science poster that depicts research

3MT Preparation

Led by former 3MT champion Nisansala Muthunayake, attendees will learn how to present their research in three minutes or less.

Research best practices
Career development