Pathway to Faculty frequently asked questions
Is the Brain Trust departmental or housed in the Graduate School?
Departmental, with help from the Graduate School as needed.
At what point do departments participate in the evaluation of applicants?
Departments will work with the Graduate School to launch the search for pre-faculty fellows. Departments will organize their own committees to review and recommend the top three applicants to the PTF committee.
How are successful applicants matched with pre-faculty fellow mentors?
When the department submits an application in Phase 1 of the Brain Trust, a Career Mentor must be named; the Career Mentor is the pre-faculty fellow mentor.
Can the department change career mentors to match the subfield of the successful applicant?
Yes. Changes to the Brain Trust can be made after postdoc candidates are selected for the best match.
Will PTF positions represent new tenure lines or utilize existing tenure lines in the selected college/department?
PTF positions will be new lines that will be provided by the provost to colleges/departments whose proposals are chosen for Phase II.