The Graduate School relies on the time and expertise of dedicated graduate faculty throughout the year. Without these contributions we would not be able to provide the same degree of support and resources to students, postdoctoral scholars and faculty. To the faculty who served as committee members, advisors and presenters thorughout the year, we are grateful for your your time, insight, expertise, leadership and your commitment to the success of outstanding students and faculty at Wayne State.
Thank you to all who have served the numerous Graduate School committees and initiatives:
Graduate Council
Graduate Council Executive Committee
Graduate Council Academic standards
Graduate Council New Programs and Program Review Committee
Master's Scholarship Selection Committee (Retention, Completion, AGRADE)
Faculty Awards Committee (Outstanding Graduate Mentor, Distinguished Graduate Faculty)
Outstanding Graduate Director Service Award Committee
Heberlein Awards Selection Committee
Dean's Diversity Selection Committee
King-Chavez-Parks Selection Committee
Summer Dissertation Awards Committee
Master's Advisory Group
Graduate and Postdoctoral Professional Development (GPPD) seminar presenters and panelists
GA Allocation Committee
Holistic Admissions Committee
AGEP faculty presenters