Spotlight: Graduate Ambassador Tiara Hinton

By Tiara Hinton, Ph.D. student in pharmaceutical sciences

Serving as a graduate ambassador is, and has been, a very fulfilling experience. Every time I have the opportunity to discuss my academic journey to those who are considering or currently applying to graduate school, it becomes a time of self-reflection where I see how far I have come. It becomes a learning experience for myself and prospective students in looking back at the ways I have navigated graduate school, where I have been, and what we are all capable of.

The Graduate Ambassador program has challenged me with communicating and stepping outside of my comfort zone, with projects such as a self-care YouTube video and the Graduate Student Appreciation Week Instagram takeover from last year. Every year I have been a graduate ambassador is a new experience with many teachable moments, and this year I look forward to another year of growth through my matriculation.

The Graduate Ambassador program is a fruitful experience for the ambassadors. It provides me with the opportunity to step outside of the lab and serve in a different capacity. I am reminded that graduate school does not have to solely be classwork and research. It is a way to stay involved on campus while meeting others in our graduate community—faculty, staff, and other students.

On the other hand, having a team of graduate ambassadors is meaningful and necessary for undergraduate and prospective students as well. Prior to applying to graduate school, I was not sure what to expect and there were many things I did not know. The program allows ambassadors to share what we have learned and what we know now, our experiences, and to honestly and positively reinforce to upcoming graduate students that obtaining our higher degrees is possible. 

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