Spotlight: Graduate Ambassador Kianna Mateen

By Kianna Mateen, Master of Business Administration student

My journey at Wayne State University has been a long and wonderful experience. It all started with the pursuit of my bachelor’s in global supply chain management and marketing in 2016. By the end of my junior year, I knew that WSU would be a great option for any of my graduate pursuits. This is due to the great support of both campus life and staff that I encountered on a regular basis. Therefore, I began looking into options and programs to continue this experience and obtain my MBA at WSU. Shortly after, I discovered the Senior Rule program and applied for my MBA in March of 2020.  

One challenge that I faced during the process of pursuing my graduate degree was in some of the advice given by other business professionals where they suggested that I gain a bit more work experience before pursuing further education. On the other hand, my family and friends were very supportive and encouraging of me in making my own decision. Thus, making it easier for me to do an internal analysis on whether this would be the right path. The effects of COVID-19 also made a positive impact on my decision to pursue grad school. All MBA courses at WSU can be taken online and allowed for more flexibility, which inevitably led to me pursuing my degree at the Mike Ilitch School of Business. A decision of which I am very proud and aligned perfectly with the timing of my goals. Furthermore, this degree has already helped me advance in landing a full-time position upon graduation and surely has set a great foundation for the true beginning of my career beyond education.

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