Graduate School announces 2017 faculty award recipients
The Graduate School recognizes the accomplishments of graduate faculty through a number of awards. Each year as we review these applications, nominations and recommendations, we are reminded of Wayne State graduate faculty's remarkable accomplishments, dedicated work and commitment both to their own research and scholarship and the training and support of their master's and Ph.D. students. We are pleased to announce the following awards for 2017.
The Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award honors an outstanding faculty member for scholarly achievement in research and teaching and contributions to graduate education. It alternates annually between the humanities/social sciences and the health/natural sciences. This year's award was made in the natural/health sciences.
Christine Chow, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
The Outstanding Graduate Mentor Awards celebrate faculty members who are recognized by their departments and graduate students as superb graduate mentors. Each of the recipients below inspire their students with their dedication and enthusiasm for their area of research and provide guidance, support and encouragement for their mentees leading to publications, networking opportunities and excellent career placement.
Fred Vultee, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Communication, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
Roger Pique-Regi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics and of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine
Valerie Simon, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
The Outstanding Graduate Director Service Awards are new this year, and co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost. These awards recognize graduate directors who go above and beyond in service to advance graduate education in their programs. They are exemplary in their teaching, research, scholarship, mentorship, and as leaders of graduate education in their departments.
Stephen Chrisomalis, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Sharon Lean, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Caroline Maun, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
This year's Competitive GRA Awards were given in the category of Arts and Humanities. The faculty below will receive 12-month GRA positions for winter and spring/summer terms of 2016-2017 to support their research and create opportunity for select students in their programs.
John Corvino, Ph.D., Department Chair, Professor of Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Elizabeth Faue, Ph.D., Department Chair, Professor of History, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Lauren Kalman, MFA, Assistant Professor, Art and Art History, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
Katheryn Maguire, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Communications, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts
Wendy Matthews, MMUS, Assistant Professor, Instrumental Music Education, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts